On October 27, 2023, GCON Gives successfully orchestrated its annual Fall Poker Run, dedicated to benefiting Back To School – Backpack Buddies. Against the picturesque backdrop of the Boulders Recreation Area on an ideal day, the event garnered an impressive turnout of over 70 patrons who passionately backed the cause.

At GCON Gives, our mission revolves around building and safeguarding a secure and prosperous future for both our communities and children. We achieve this through dedicated volunteering, providing diverse opportunities, and organizing impactful fundraising initiatives.

A sincere thank you extends to all the sponsors who played a pivotal role in bringing this event to fruition. For additional information about this event, please visit here.

Through the collaborative endeavors of GCON Gives and the generous sponsors, $20,000 was raised for the Backpack Buddies program. This initiative ensures that every student, regardless of their circumstances, is equipped to return to school confidently, mirroring the preparedness of their peers. We take immense pride in supporting these efforts.

To find out more about this truly remarkable program and to get involved, we encourage you to visit their website at www.backtoschoolclothingdrive.com. Witnessing the overwhelming support and enthusiasm from participants and sponsors alike fills us with gratitude as we continue our mission to make a positive difference in the lives of children in need.