On May 9th, 2024, GCON Gives successfully hosted its second annual Golf Tournament, this time dedicated to supporting the Women's Hope Center. Against the stunning backdrop at Papago Golf Course on a perfect day, the event attracted an enthusiastic group of over 100 participants who were passionate about the cause.

At GCON Gives our mission is to build and safeguard a secure and prosperous future for our communities, especially those in need. We achieve this through dedicated volunteer work, creating diverse opportunities, and organizing impactful fundraising initiatives. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of GCON Gives and our generous sponsors, we raised an impressive $24,000 for the Women's Hope Center. These funds will directly support the center's vital work, empowering women and providing essential services to those most need them.

We are incredibly proud to support these efforts and are deeply grateful for everyone's overwhelming support. Please visit their website to learn more about the Women's Hope Center and how you can contribute. https://hopewomenscenter.org/

A sincere thank you goes out to all the sponsors and participants who made this event successful. Together, we are making a meaningful difference in the lives of women in our community. More information about this event can be found here.